by jaycoyote | Jan 18, 2021 | Videos
Farewell To The First Lady
by jaycoyote | Jan 9, 2021 | Videos, Writing
My first paying job as a writer
by jaycoyote | Jan 2, 2021 | Videos
First off, I’m a guy in his 70’s. I could live another year. I could live another 20 years. I could be dead later today. But no matter how much time I have left, if I spend it playing Word Wipe, or Freecell, or some other stupid computer time suck, I’ll kill myself. I...
by jaycoyote | Apr 9, 2020 | Recipes
Grandma’s original hard recipe and my easy recipe. Grandma’s recipe – this makes A LOT of fish. 4 lbs. white fish2 lbs. yellow pike Large piece of buffalofish. Yes, it’s right – Google it. 5 eggs 2 large onions diced.Approximately 1 1/2 cups matzo meal1/2...
by jaycoyote | Sep 8, 2011 | News
I’d love to be at your next book group meeting either via speaker phone or video Skype. Just send me an email, and we’ll get it set up.